Quranic Verses 14_18 (Al A’raf) Can Change Your Life

14. Iblis said, “Give me respite until the Day in which all the people will be raised.”

15. Allah (SWT) said, “Respite has been granted.”

16. Iblis said, “Since You (SWT) have led me astray, verily I will lie in wait for them on Your (SWT) Straight Path.

17. Then I will assault them certainly in front of them, behind them, on their right and on their left. And You (SWT) will not find most of them grateful to You (SWT).”

18. Allah (SWT) said, “Then get out of here, disgraced and expelled. I (SWT) will certainly fill the Hell with you and all of your followers.”

Quranic Verses 6_9 (Sura Al A’raf) Can Change Your Life

Then on the Day of Recompense I (SWT) will question those to whom Messengers were sent, and I (SWT) will also question the Messengers themselves.

7. Then I (SWT) will explain everything to them with full knowledge and I (SWT) had not disappeared anywhere when they committed wrong deeds.

8. On that Day, the weighty one will be only the truth. So those whose weights of good deeds will be heavy, they will be successful.

9. And those whose weights of good deeds will be light, they are the ones who put themselves in the pit because they continued to deny My (SWT) Verses and thus put themselves to losses.

Quranic Verses 1_5 of Sura Al-A’raf Can Change Your Life

الۤمّۤصۤ .1

2. This is the Book (Quran) sent down to you by Allah (SWT), so there must not be any heaviness in your heart because of it. So that you may warn the people through It, and It is a Reminder for the believers.

3. O People! follow what has been sent down to you by your Lord (SWT) and do not follow your other allies. Very rarely do you heed remembrance!

4. And how many cities were there in the past which I (SWT) destroyed. Did My (SWT) chastisement come upon them by night or by midday when they were enjoying the noon.

5. So when My (SWT) chastisement came upon them, they could not say anything except that “it was indeed we who were the wrongdoers”.

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